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Current Positions Available

Apprentice (no experience)

Helper – Someone just learning the trade. Must be proficient at masking, sanding, caulking, prepping. Must have a good attitude and willingness to learn. Most likely requires having their work checked over and occasionally corrected.

$12-$15 Pay/Hr

PLUS BENEFITS (see below)

Prepper (6 months or more experience)

Helper – Someone just learning the trade. Must be proficient at masking, sanding, caulking, prepping. Must have a good attitude and willingness to learn. Most likely requires having their work checked over and occasionally corrected. Safety Orientation

$15-$17 Pay/Hr

PLUS BENEFITS (see below)


Painter- Someone proficient in all prep procedures and does not need to be checked over for quality. This employee has increased their speed in all prepping, has good brush technique. Spraying – this person is still learning or has not yet sprayed. Must have good quality, good attitude and receptive to feedback and constructive criticism to move to the next level. Safety Orientation/Fall Protection/HazComm

$18-$20 Pay/Hr

PLUS BENEFITS (see below)

Journeyman 1

Journeyman 1 – Must possess all of the above skills plus has good spray technique. Also, understands job scopes and can help keep the project on track. Projects an excellent company image. Understands and adheres to all safety rules. Gaining in speed and experiences. Has run a lift. Safety Orientation/Fall Protection/HazComm/OSHA training

$21-$23 Pay/Hr

PLUS BENEFITS (see below)

Team ARP K1 Speed
Forman in Training

Journeyman 2

Journeyman 2 – Must possess all of the above skills plus can be called upon as second to run a job or run a division of the same project. This person has a positive attitude, is loyal, committed and always looking after the company’s best interest. This person is in line to move into a lead position if available. Safety Orienation/Fall Protection/HazComm/OSHA training 10/Lift Certified

$23-$26 Pay/Hr

PLUS BENEFITS (see below)

Foreman In Training

Foreman in Training – At the level of JM2 you may be asked to Lead a small crew. You will be invited into our Weekly Foreman Meetings to Learn what it takes to become a full Promoted Foreman.  We will ask you to reach benchmarks and scoring based on Leadership skills before being fully promoted to a Lead.  You may remain in the FIT program for as long as you want or as long as it takes for you to fully learn the Leadership Skills and consistently lead a larger crew of 4-8 team members.

$26 Pay/Hr

PLUS BENEFITS (see below)


Foreman – Must possess all the above skills plus be extremely efficient. Have a complete understanding of all the job’s aspects, scope, personnel’s skill levels, assist in inventory, manage and ordering supplies to get the job done. Must have a driver’s license. Must be a good communicator. Must be a good diplomat, leader, trainer.  Must be able to troubleshoot and communicate to upper management when things are NOT going well. This person attends Leadership Training and has a direct line of communication with all the Administrative Management Team. Safety Orientation/Fall Protection/HazComm/ OSHA training 10 or 30/Lift Certified/CPR

$26-$30 Pay/Hr

PLUS BENEFITS (see below)

Adam Roe Painting 2023


Contacto Jorge: 208-513-4748

Aprendiz (sin experiencia)

Ayudante – Alguien que acaba de aprender el oficio. Debe ser competente en enmascaramiento, lijado, calafateo, preparación. Debe tener una buena actitud y voluntad de aprender. Lo más probable es que requiera que su trabajo sea revisado y ocasionalmente corregido. Orientación de seguridad.

$12-$15 Paga/Hora

MAS BENEFICIOS (ver más abajo)

Preparador (6 meses o más de experiencia)

Ayudante – Alguien que acaba de aprender el oficio. Debe ser competente en enmascaramiento, lijado, calafateo, preparación. Debe tener una buena actitud y voluntad de aprender. Lo más probable es que requiera que su trabajo sea revisado y ocasionalmente corregido. Orientación de seguridad.

$15-$17 Paga/Hora

MAS BENEFICIOS (ver más abajo)


Pintor: alguien competente en todos los procedimientos de preparación y no necesita ser revisado por su calidad. Este empleado ha aumentado su velocidad en toda la preparación, tiene una buena técnica de cepillo. Pulverización: esta persona todavía está aprendiendo o aún no ha rociado. Debe tener buena calidad, buena actitud y receptivo a la retroalimentación y la crítica constructiva para pasar al siguiente nivel. Orientación de seguridad/Protección contra caídas/HazComm

$18-$20 Paga/Hora

MAS BENEFICIOS (ver más abajo)

Journeyman 1

Journeyman 1 – Debe poseer todas las habilidades anteriores y tiene una buena técnica de pulverización. Además, comprende los alcances del trabajo y puede ayudar a mantener el proyecto en marcha. Proyecta una excelente imagen de empresa. Entiende y se adhiere a todas las reglas de seguridad. Ganando en velocidad y experiencias. Ha corrido un ascensor (lift). Orientación de seguridad/Protección contra caídas/Capacitación hazComm/OSHA

$21-$23 Paga/Hora

MAS BENEFICIOS (ver más abajo)

Journeyman 2

Journeyman 2 – Debe poseer todas las habilidades anteriores y puede ser llamado como segundo para ejecutar un trabajo o ejecutar una división del mismo proyecto. Esta persona tiene una actitud positiva, es leal, comprometida y siempre vela por el mejor interés de la empresa. Esta persona está en línea para pasar a una posición de liderazgo si está disponible. Capacitación en seguridad / protección contra caídas / HazComm / OSHA 10 / Lift Certified

$23-$26 Paga/Hora

MAS BENEFICIOS (ver más abajo)


Foreman – debe poseer todas las habilidades anteriores y ser extremadamente eficiente. Tenga una comprensión completa de todos los aspectos del trabajo, el alcance, los niveles de habilidad del personal, ayude en el inventario, administre y ordene suministros para realizar el trabajo. Debe tener una licencia de conducir. Debe ser un buen comunicador. Debe ser un buen diplomático, líder, entrenador. Debe ser capaz de solucionar problemas y comunicarse con la alta gerencia cuando las cosas NO van bien. Esta persona asiste a la Capacitación en Liderazgo y tiene una línea directa de comunicación con todo el Equipo de Gestión Administrativa. Orientación de seguridad / Protección contra caídas / HazComm / Capacitación de OSHA 10 o 30 / Certificación de elevación / RCP

$26-$30 Paga/Hora

MAS BENEFICIOS (ver más abajo)

A Chinese proverb states -  “Behind an able man there are always other able men.”

When you consider where you want to spend your time making money to feed your family, choosing a company that cares about you and the team atmosphere can be the difference between having to go to work and wanting to go to work every day! 

We have multiple events each year to inspire a fun, friendly, family atmosphere!  Our team has enjoyed a competitive game of Paintball, Family BBQs, charity events, horseback riding, swim parties, holiday parties, and more!  We truly believe that building camaraderie and supporting one another is part of our culture. 

Safety!  We are very dedicated to keeping our team safe from harm.  It is our culture to help all our employees to go home every day just the way they came to work, free from injury!  We offer weekly and monthly safety trainings, we report near misses at every job site, we authorize our employees to Stop Work when they are exposed to any Safety concerns.  We work closely with Safety Fest and OSHA to do the right thing when it comes to safety and NEVER ever short cut by cutting safety procedures and protocol.

We use a simple and easy-to-use clock in and scheduling system so you are always in-the-know about your hours, your expected time pay out and your schedule for the following day/week.  You will be provided a GPS location for easy navigation to your sites and other information to help you communicate with your team as needed! 

We are transparent with our positions and the pay that is offered for each position.  We do, however expect that our team members are able to demonstrate full knowledge and grasp of the position they are applying for and have the ability to provide references. 

Plus Benefits

  • Longevity Bonus
  •  Health  Benefits
  • 401K
  • Per diem and paid transportation for out of town
  • Paid Time Off

We look forward to meeting you!  Please fill out the application below to schedule an interview!

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Enter To Win A Free House Repaint

Enter to win a free house repaint (up to a $2000 credit), a front door refinish, and a $200 flower beautification package. Please fill out the form and submit a picture of your “Ugly House”.

Adam Roe Painting Logo

Enter To Win A Free House Repaint

Enter to win a free house repaint (up to a $2000 credit), a front door refinish, and a $200 flower beautification package. Please fill out the form and submit a picture of your “Ugly House”.

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Contact us today

Ready to transform your home’s look with our exceptional residential repainting services? There’s no better choice than Adam Roe Painting. With 40 years of industry experience, commitment to quality, and broad range of capabilities, we’re equipped to handle any project, big or small.